Four wheelers! This is certainly an exciting addition to fieldwork. I got paid to ride this around looking for toads. What a life!
Spring has finally come to Utah, and it's really pretty.
Playing with snakes. What's new? (Thamnophis elegans)

Great Basin Spadefoot toads.
Scenery shot. Heber Valley, Utah. My "office" for the last three weeks.

It's Boreal Toad breeding time. Notice the egg strands. Very cool.

I don't think this fellow is going to be breeding this year. Found in a pond, somehow still alive despite the pink thing being its lung. Probably was attacked by a bird.

Toad eggs
herons in tree
Working hard, well... they are... I'm obviously not if I'm taking pictures.
That toad really does convince one that mammals are total pansies. We can't have a lung sticking outside of us like that ...
Totally awesome photos.
i really like that photo of the spadefoots. Herp eyes are awesome and we miss out on that at the mvz.
Great pictures, looks like you really like this job.
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